Call for Contributions
Inaugural Conference of the Search Engines and Society Network (SEASON2025)
On behalf of the Search Engines and Society Network (SEASON), we invite you to attend the inaugural conference of the network, to be held at HAW Hamburg, Germany, 24th – 25th September 2025.
SEASON is an annual conference that explores the multifaceted role of search engines in today’s culture and society. SEASON brings together researchers from different fields and fosters interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration to deepen our understanding of search engines as cultural, societal, and technical artefacts, as well as how they are used in various practices.
After successful workshops in Lund (2021), Vienna (2022), Hamburg (2023) and Birmingham (2024), we feel it is time to broaden the research engagement into a conference series. We are pleased to announce the next edition of SEASON in Hamburg. This year, we aim to develop the conference to invite submissions for presentations, panels, posters, and experimental formats.
Conference Theme
We welcome submissions on topics such as:
- Social and cultural aspects of relevance
- Epistemic implications of search-engine use
- Search engines and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Search engines and information disorders (e.g., data voids, disinformation…)
- AI and changing patterns of search engine use
- Search and search engines and environmental crises (e.g., climate change)
- The political economy of search and search engines
- Search engine providers’ responsibility and accountability
- Search engines as multi-sided platforms
- History of web search and web search engines
- Search engine bias and fair search
- Ethical considerations related to search engines
- Affect and emotional aspects of search engine use
- Media and Information literacy related to search engines
- Search engines and specific groups or communities (children, elderly, …)
- Search engines and studies of ignorance and information avoidance
- Search engines in everyday life and in social practices
- Search engines in educational settings
- Alternative approaches to concepts of indexing in search engines
- Negotiations of search results (search engine optimization, paid search advertising)
- Search engine comparisons (e.g., comparing results tailored to different locations, comparing results from different search engines)
- Methods for search engine research
- Data collection for search engine studies
- Approaches to “opening the Black Box of search engine rankings”
We welcome conceptual and empirical submissions from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds, including the humanities, social sciences, and technical disciplines. We welcome approaches transgressing disciplinary boundaries and submissions from individuals from outside academia. Submissions discussing work in progress are welcome. We also encourage students to submit contributions.
Submission Categories
Papers: Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract. The maximum length of extended paper abstracts is 1000 words (excluding references).
Interactive Sessions (for example, panels and workshops): Should be designed for 60-90 minutes. The proposal should include the purpose, abstract, and format, and be a maximum of 1000 words (excluding references).
Posters: Posters should be submitted in the form of an abstract with a maximum of 500 words (excluding references).
Shorts: An opportunity to discuss ongoing research or present interventions (short informal presentations of less than 20 minutes). Proposals should be submitted in the form of abstracts (maximum 500 words, excluding references) that describe the topic of your presentation and include some information about its structure.
Submission Guidelines
- Papers should be submitted as a .PDF file.
- Place the title of the paper in bold at the top of the first page only. On the next line, include the names of the author(s), along with their email addresses and affiliations.
- References should follow the Harvard referencing style.
- Please ensure the paper has been carefully proofread.
Please submit your contribution via EasyChair:
Accepted contributions will be available for downloading for conference participants in advance of the conference. All accepted abstracts will be freely accessible to everyone after the conference.
Important Dates
- Submission for all categories via EasyChair: 30th of April 2025
- Notification: 16th of June 2025
- Revised submissions: 15th of July 2025
- Registration: from June 2025
- Conference dates: 24-25 September 2025
Conference Fee
There will be a modest conference fee that covers dinner and refreshments.
Keynote Speakers
To be announced.
Programme Committee
- Rosie Graham, University of Birmingham, UK
- Jutta Haider, SSLIS, University of Borås, Sweden
- Dirk Lewandowski, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Astrid Mager, Institute of Technology Assessment Vienna (ITA), Austria
- Renée Ridgway, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Sebastian Schultheiß, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Olof Sundin, Lund University, Sweden
- Kristofer Söderström, Lund University, Sweden
Travel Information
The organisers recommend that participants travel by train. The event will take place at the Faculty of Design, Media and Information at Finkenau 35 in Hamburg.
Contact Information
We look forward to welcoming you to Hamburg in September. If you have any queries or questions, please contact: